


Creates and sets the player's inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:setPlayerInventory(player, data)
  • player: table
    • source: number
    • identifier: string
    • name: string
    • groups?: table
    • sex?: string
    • dateofbirth?: string
  • data?: table
    • If not provided will load player's inventory data from the db.


Opens an inventory using the passed data. Forces a player to open an inventory, without usual security checks (groups, coords).

exports.ox_inventory:forceOpenInventory(playerId, invType, data)
  • playerId: number
  • invType: string
    • 'player'
    • 'stash'
    • 'container'
    • 'drop'
    • 'glovebox'
    • 'trunk'
    • 'dumpster'
  • data: number or string or table

Open the target player's inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:forceOpenInventory(1, 'player', 3)

Admin command to open a player's inventory.

RegisterCommand('openplayerinv', function(source, args)
    exports.ox_inventory:forceOpenInventory(source, 'player', tonumber(args[1]))
end, true)


Update the internal reference to vehicle stashes, without triggering a save or updating the database.

exports.ox_inventory:UpdateVehicle(oldPlate, newPlate)
  • oldPlate: string
  • newPlate: string


Returns a table of all registered items. The format is as defined in data/items.lua (opens in a new tab).

Optionally takes the name of an item, returning only data for that item (getting all data is not recommended).

  • itemName?: string

The following snippet can be used in crafting resources such as okokCrafting or core_crafting, rather than querying the database.

local itemNames
ESX.RegisterServerCallback('crafting:itemNames', function(source, cb)
    if not itemNames then
        itemNames = {}
        for item, data in pairs(exports.ox_inventory:Items()) do
            itemNames[item] = data.label


Adds an item into the specified inventory.

Should be used alongside CanCarryItem otherwise, the maximum weight may be exceeded.

exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(inv, item, count, metadata, slot, cb)
  • inv: table or string or number
    • The inventory's unique id, or a table with the id and owner.
      • playerId: 1
      • inventoryId: gloveVGH283
      • { id = 'personallocker', owner = 'license:xxxxxx'}
  • item: string
    • The name of the item to add to the target.
  • count: number
    • The number of items to add.
  • metadata?: table or string
    • A table of unique data to attach to the item object. A string will create a table with the "type" field.
  • slot?: number
    • A specific slot to add the item to. If the slot is invalid, the first available slot will be used instead.
  • cb?: function(success: boolean, response?: string)

If used for glovebox, trunk or stash you must first check the inventory is loaded with GetInventory

Returns success, response if cb is undefined, otherwise they are used in the callback only.

Possible value of the "response" argument, on failure:

  • "invalid_item": the item doesn't exist
  • "invalid_inventory": the inventory doesn't exist
  • "inventory_full": no free slots

local success, response = exports.ox_inventory:AddItem('gloveVGH283', 'bread', 4)
if not success then
    -- if no slots are available, the value will be "inventory_full"
    return print(response)
print(json.encode(response, {indent=true}))
        "metadata": [],
        "label": "Bread",
        "slot": 1,
        "stack": true,
        "close": true,
        "name": "bread",
        "count": 1,
        "weight": 150


Removes the specified item from the specified inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:RemoveItem(inv, item, count, metadata, slot, ignoreTotal)
  • inv: table or string or number
    • The inventory's unique id, or a table with the id and owner.
      • playerId: 1
      • inventoryId: gloveVGH283
      • { id = 'personallocker', owner = 'license:xxxxxx'}
  • item: string
    • The name of the item to remove from the target.
  • count: number
    • The number of items to remove.
  • metadata?: table or string
    • Only remove items with matching metadata properties.
  • slot?: number
    • A specific slot to remove the item from. If the slot is invalid, the first available slot will be used instead.
  • ignoreTotal?: boolean
    • Removes as many items as possible up to count.

Returns success: boolean, response: string?.

Possible values of "response" on failure:

  • "invalid_item": the item doesn't exist
  • "invalid_inventory": the inventory doesn't exist
  • "not_enough_items": inventory did not contain enough of the given item

-- Removes 2 water from the glovebox for the given plate.
local success = exports.ox_inventory:RemoveItem('gloveVGH283', 'water', 2)


Returns generic item data from the specified inventory, with the total count.

exports.ox_inventory:GetItem(inv, item, metadata, returnsCount)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • item: table or string
    • Can be items array.
  • metadata?: any
    • Only returns the count of items that strictly match the given metadata.
  • returnsCount?: boolean

If returnsCount is set to true, the returned value will be the count based on how many times the item was found. Otherwise returns the data related to the item and its total count found in the inventory.

local item = ox_inventory:GetItem(source, 'water', nil, false)
print(json.encode(item, {indent=true}))
        "consume": 1,
        "count": 15,
        "stack": true,
        "name": "water",
        "weight": 500,
        "label": "Water",
        "close": true


Takes traditional item data and updates it to support ox_inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:ConvertItems(playerId, items)
  • playerId: number
  • items: table

Data Conversion Example
Old: [{"cola":1, "bread":3}]
New: [{"slot":1,"name":"cola","count":1},


Returns true or false depending if the inventory can carry the specified item.

The function checks for inventory weight and available slots.

exports.ox_inventory:CanCarryItem(inv, item, count, metadata)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • item table or string
    • Can be array of items.
  • count: number
  • metadata?: table or string
    • If metadata is passed as string then metadata.type will be checked.

-- Checks if the player calling the event can carry 3 water items
if exports.ox_inventory:CanCarryItem(source, 'water', 3) then
    -- Do stuff if can carry
    -- Do stuff if can't carry


Returns the amount a player can hold based on available weight.

exports.ox_inventory:CanCarryAmount(inv, item)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • item: table or string
    • Can be array to check multiple items.

-- Checks how much you can carry
amountToAdd = exports.ox_inventory:CanCarryAmount(inv, 'stone')
-- Adds the amount
exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(inv, 'stone', amountToAdd)


Returns if inventory can carry specified weight and free inventory weight.

exports.ox_inventory:CanCarryWeight(inv, weight)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • weight: number

-- Checks if player can carry 1000 grams.
local fillAmount = 1000
local canCarryWeight, freeWeight = ox_inventory:CanCarryWeight(playerId, fillAmount)
if freeWeight == 0 then
  -- Player can't carry weight.
elseif not canCarryWeight then
  -- Modify fillAmount, because inventory can't carry specified weight
  fillAmount = freeWeight
-- Do something


Sets the maximum weight available for an inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:SetMaxWeight(inv, maxWeight)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • maxWeight: number

local ox_inventory = exports.ox_inventory
-- Set the max weight for player 1's inventory to 20kg.
ox_inventory:SetMaxWeight(1, 20000)


Returns true if the item swap is possible based on inventory weight.

exports.ox_inventory:CanSwapItem(inv, firstItem, firstItemCount, testItem, testItemCount)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • firstItem: string
  • firstItemCount: number
  • testItem: string
  • testItemCount: number


Get the total item count for all items in an inventory with the given name and metadata.

exports.ox_inventory:GetItemCount(inv, itemName, metadata, strict)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata?: table
  • strict?: boolean
    • Strictly match metadata properties, otherwise use partial matching.


  • itemCount: number


Returns the number of slots the specified item is in, the item's total count and the remaining empty slots.

exports.ox_inventory:GetItemSlots(inv, item, metadata)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • item: table or string
  • metadata?: table


Returns the specified slot data as a table.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlot(inv, slot)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • slot: number

local slot = exports.ox_inventory:GetSlot(source, 1)
print(json.encode(slot, {indent=true}))
        "weight": 2000,
        "name": "water",
        "metadata": [],
        "slot": 1,
        "label": "Water",
        "close": true,
        "stack": true,
        "count: 4


Get the slot id of an existing item matching the given data, or an empty slot.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlotForItem(inv, itemName, metadata)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata: table?


  • slotId: number?


Get a slot id in an inventory matching the given item name and metadata.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlotIdWithItem(inv, itemName, metadata, strict)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata?: table
  • strict?: boolean
    • Strictly match metadata properties, otherwise use partial matching.


  • slotId: number?


Get all slot ids in an inventory matching the given name and metadata.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlotIdsWithItem(inv, itemName, metadata, strict)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata?: table
  • strict?: boolean
    • Strictly match metadata properties, otherwise use partial matching.


  • slotIds: number[]?


Get data for a slot in an inventory matching the given name and metadata.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlotWithItem(inv, itemName, metadata, strict)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata?: table
  • strict?: boolean
    • Strictly match metadata properties, otherwise use partial matching.


  • slotData: table?


Get data all slots in an inventory matching the given name and metadata.

exports.ox_inventory:GetSlotsWithItem(inv, itemName, metadata, strict)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • itemName: string
  • metadata?: table
  • strict?: boolean
    • Strictly match metadata properties, otherwise use partial matching.


  • slotsData: table[]?


Get the first available empty slot in an inventory.

  • inv: table or string or number


  • slotId: number?


Returns the inventory associated with the container linked in the slot of the given inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:GetContainerFromSlot(inv, slotId)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • slotId: number


  • containerData: table?


Sets the number of slots available for an inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:SetSlotCount(inv, slots)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • slots: number

local ox_inventory = exports.ox_inventory
-- Set the slot count for player 1's inventory to 10.
ox_inventory:SetSlotCount(1, 10)


Returns the inventory associated with the ID (and owner if defined). Otherwise returns null.

exports.ox_inventory:GetInventory(inv, owner)
  • inv: number or table
  • owner?: string or boolean

local inventory = exports.ox_inventory:GetInventory('example_stash', false)
print(json.encode(inventory, {indent = true}))
        "id": "example_stash,
        "label": "Police Stash",
        "type": "stash,
        "slots": 50,
        "weight": 0,
        "maxWeight": 100000,
        "owner": false,


Returns all slots with items in a inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:GetInventoryItems(inv, owner)
  • inv: number or table
  • owner?: string or boolean

local playerItems = exports.ox_inventory:GetInventoryItems(source)


Inspect the player their inventory. You will not be able to modify the inventory.

exports.ox_inventory:InspectInventory(target, source)
  • target: number
  • source: number


Clears a player's inventory and saves it to a stash.

Use ReturnInventory to return the confiscated inventory back to the player.

  • source: number


Returns the confiscated inventory back to the player.

Use it alongside ConfiscateInventory.

  • source: number


Clears the specified inventory. The keep argument is either a string or an array of strings containing the name(s) of the item(s) to keep in the inventory after clearing.

exports.ox_inventory:ClearInventory(inv, keep)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • keep?: string or string[]


Searches an inventory for a specified item.

exports.ox_inventory:Search(inv, search, item, metadata)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • search: string
  • item: table or string
  • metadata?: table or string

search can be either 'slots' or 'count', where slots will return a table of data and count will return the found amount of the specified item.


Creates a new custom stash.

exports.ox_inventory:RegisterStash(id, label, slots, maxWeight, owner, groups, coords)
  • id: string or number
    • Stash identifier when loading from the database.
  • label: string
    • Display name when inventory is open.
  • slots: number
  • maxWeight: number
  • owner: string or boolean or nil
    • string: Can only access the stash linked to the owner.
    • true: Each player has a unique stash but can request other player's stashes.
    • nil: Always shared.
  • groups: table
    • Table of player groups (jobs) able to access the stash.
    • Table of group names where the numeric value is the minimum grade required.
    • {['police'] = 0, ['ambulance'] = 2}
  • coords?: vector3 or vector3[]

This function needs to be triggered before a player can open the stash.

For a use case example on this function check out the written Guide for it.


Creates a temporary stash which will be removed after some time.

  • properties: table
    • label: string
    • slots: number
    • maxWeight: number
    • owner?: string number or boolean
      • string: Can only access the stash linked to the owner.
      • true: Each player has a unique stash but can request other player's stashes.
      • The inventory is always shared if false or nil.
    • groups?: table<string, number>
      • Table of group names (e.g. jobs) where the numeric value is the minimum grade required.
      • {['police'] = 0, ['ambulance'] = 2}
    • coords?: vector3
      • Stash can only be accessed while nearby.
    • items?: { [number]: string, [number]: number, [number]?: table }[]
      • An array of tables, containing a sequence of itemName, count, metadata.


  • inventoryId: string

local mystash = exports.ox_inventory:CreateTemporaryStash({
    label = 'mystash',
    slots = 5,
    maxWeight = 5000,
    items = {
        { 'WEAPON_MINISMG', 1 },
        { 'ammo-9', 69 },
        { 'water', 2, { label = 'Mineral water' } }
TriggerClientEvent('ox_inventory:openInventory', 1, 'stash', mystash)


Drops can be created from other resources, containing a variety of items and utilising a custom label (instead of 'Drop 32648').

exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop(prefix, items, coords, slots, maxWeight, instance, model)
  • prefix: string
  • items: table
    • name: string
    • count: number
    • metadata?: table
  • coords: vector3
  • slots?: number
  • maxWeight?: number
  • instance?: string or number
  • model?: number
-- Create a generic drop with a marker
exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop('Carcass', {
    {'meat', 5, { grade = 2, type = 'deer' }},
    {'hide', 5, { grade = 2, type = 'deer' }}
}, coords)
-- Create a drop with an entity
exports.ox_inventory:CustomDrop('SMG', {
    { 'WEAPON_MINISMG', 1 },
    { 'ammo-9', 69 },
}, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(1)), 5, 10000, nil, `w_sb_minismg`)


Creates a new drop with the contents of a player's inventory.

  • playerId: number


  • dropId: string

local dropId = exports.ox_inventory:CreateDropFromPlayer(1)


Returns the player's currently equipped weapon as a table.

-- inv: string or number
  • inv: table or string or number


Sets durability onto the specified slot.

Can be used for repairing weapons.

exports.ox_inventory:SetDurability(inv, slot, durability)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • slot: number
  • durability: number

local ox_inventory = exports.ox_inventory
-- Set the durability of the item in slot 3 of source player's inventory to 100
ox_inventory:SetDurability(source, 3, 100)
-- Set the durability of the source player's current weapon to 100
local weapon = ox_inventory:GetCurrentWeapon(source)
if weapon then
    ox_inventory:SetDurability(source, weapon.slot, 100)


Sets metadata on the specified slot.

ox_inventory:SetMetadata(inv, slot, metadata)
  • inv: table or string or number
  • slot: number
  • metadata: table

local ox_inventory = exports.ox_inventory
local water = ox_inventory:Search(source, 1, 'water')
for k, v in pairs(water) do
    print('\n______________'..'\n- index '..k)
    print(, 'slot: '..v.slot, 'metadata: '..json.encode(v.metadata))
    water = v
water.metadata.type = 'clean'
ox_inventory:SetMetadata(source, water.slot, water.metadata)
print(('modified %sx water in slot %s with new metadata'):format(water.count, water.slot))