

Crafting locations, items and their ingredients are defined in data/crafting.lua (opens in a new tab).

Crafting definition

    items = {
            name = 'lockpick',
            ingredients = {
              garbage = 3,
              WEAPON_HAMMER = 0.1
            duration = 5000,
            count = 3,
            metadata = { durability = 20 }
            name = 'garbage',
            ingredients = {
              cola = 1
            metadata = { description = 'An empty soda can.', weight = 20, image = 'trash_can' }
    points = {
      vec3(-1147.083008, -2002.662109, 13.180260),
    zones = {
          label = 'Open Crafting Bench',
          icon = 'fa-solid fa-wrench',
          coords = vec3(-1146.2, -2002.05, 13.2),
          size = vec3(3.8, 1.05, 0.15),
          distance = 1.5,
          rotation = 315.0,
    blip = { id = 566, colour = 31, scale = 0.8 },
  • items: table
    • name: string
    • ingredients: table
      • Item ingredients can be seen in the item tooltip.
      • Key-value pairs of item name and consume count
        • key - Item name.
        • value - If 1 or above it's the consume count, if below 1 and above 0 it's the durability consume amount, if set to 0 then the item is required but not consumed.
    • duration: number
      • Crafting duration in milliseconds.
    • count: number or table (min, max)
      • Item amount received upon crafting.
      • If set it to table it requires two number first one is minimum number and second one is maximum, it will generate a random number between those two numbers to add the crafted item to player.
    • metadata: table
      • Metadata applied to the item being crafted.
  • points: vector3[]
    • Interaction locations that will open the crafting inventory.
  • groups: table
    • Key-value pairs of job name and minimum grade to access the crafting location.
    • {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2}
  • zones: table
    • ox_lib targeting zones used for ox_target.
    • label: string
    • icon: string
    • coords: vector3
    • size: vector3
    • distance: number
    • rotation: number
  • blip: table
    • id: number
      • Blip sprite number.
    • colour: number
    • scale: number